I Technologist India Pvt Ltd

Professional Business Consulting Agency
Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you.
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Professional Business Consulting Agency
Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you.
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Professional Business Consulting Agency
Must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you.
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About Our Company

Welcome To Awards Winning Agency

i Technologist was constituted with the vision of young entrepreneurs who joined hands together with aim to provide a complete range of services by leveraging our domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology partners. To make “Good-to-Great” company, i Technologist started with an honest and diligent effort to determine the truth of IT training and education industry downfall and decided to give a one stopover solution to the people who dreamt of a great career.

To achieve and grow: we feel, “Together we can bring out each other’s potentials, accept to be challenged and to be helped, compliment each other in order to grow”. Team work is the ability to work together with a common vision. The ability to direct individuals accomplishments towards organizational objectives, focus on employee development and go beyond what is expected to create a caring and empowering workplace, recognize talents, encourage achievements with awards & accolades and most importantly make them feel truly special.

After analyzing the threats of IT Training and education industry downfall, i Technologist came with a training delivery model to be provided to the individual to make him knowledgeable, successful with great career to VOW. As i Technologist is a place/juncture where people are trained to be a brand in themselves and want them to be “Good-to-Great”. No company is big or small; we good people make them…

IT Support Services

Placement & Consulting

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Testing & Certification

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Our Brochure


Delight our customers with “world class technology, high quality services and superior products and deliver value through innovative ideas and committed expertise”.


Our Value is to create Brand in person itself by giving complete knowledge and understanding of what a person wants to be and achieves. Branding means evoking one specific thought, the first impression is the most important one. “To be a successful personal brand: one has to have complete clarity and profound knowledge of what he stands for, wants to be known for, and remembered as”….


Here what we commit we deliver. Nothing happens without commitment. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of it. “One person gets only a week’s value out of a year; whereas another person gets full one year value out of a week”. We VOW for success with knowledge and great career.

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