I Technologist India Pvt Ltd

Java Programming


  • Describe the application model for the J2EE platform and the context for the model
  • Develop and test an application based on EJB technology
  • Develop a Web based user interface to an EJB technology application
  • Develop Web applications using Java servlets
  • Create robust web applications using Struts, session management, filters and database integration
  • Create easy to maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) and the Struts Tiles framework
  • Configuret J2EE platform services layer
  • Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP pages


  • Identify the need for J2ME
  • Identify the goals and characteristics of J’TWI specifications
  • Identify the MIDlet development lifecycle
  • Execute a MIDlet by using the J2ME Toolkit
  • Explain the profiles and configurations in J2ME technology
  • Develop, package, and run MIDlet suites by using J2ME wireless toolkit
  • Describe MIDP User Interface components and their hierarchy
  • Work with screen and its elements
  • Create User Interfaces by using High Level UIAPIs
  • Create a mail application user interface that implements High Level APIs
  • Create user interfaces by using low level APIs
  • Manage a wall paper from a mobile device Store data in MIDiet by using RMS
  • Add, modify, and delete records from a PDA Establish network connection by using the GCF
  • Implement classes and interfaces in javax.microedition.io package
  • Develop an application that connects Ticker with server and download ring tones from the server
  • Implement MIDlet Security
  • Play sounds and videos by using MMAPI package
  • Develop a Banking Application
  • Develop an application to download and play ring tones Create, send, and receive SMS messages by using WMA
  • Send and Receive SMS by using WMA
  • Implement the classes in Game API
  • Develop a Tic-Tac-Toe application by using Game API Identify the usage of Push Registry
  • Deploy MIDlets through Local Macine and Web Server
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