I Technologist India Pvt Ltd



  • Create and program Web applications
  • Add and configure server controls for a Web application master pages to establish a common layout for a Web application
  • Access and display data in a Web application
  • Control access to a Web application
  • Deploy a Web application
  • Build dynamic Web applications
  • Create controls for Web applications
  • Optimize Web applications
  • Build customizable Web applications
  • Build Web Part pages and Web Parts


  • Explain features and phases of the object-oriented approach
  • Write and execute C# programs
  • Implement encapsulation in C# by using the various access specifiers
  • Identify and use operators including arithmetic, assignment, unary, comparison, and logical
  • Use decision-making constructs and loop constructs
  • Describe memory allocation
  • Implement structures, enumerations, arrays and collections
  • Identify the need for constructors and destructors
  • Implement polymorphism and overload functions and operators
  • Describe the various types of relationship such as inheritance, composition, utilization, and instantiation.
  • Explain and use delegates and events
  • Use various stream classes to implement file handling
  • Develop single and multithreaded applications
  • Describe and use attributes
  • Use reflection to query attribute information at run time
  • Identify the components of the Visual Studio .NET Framework and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


  • Introduction to XML, Introduction to Document Type Definition (DTD), Working with XML Schemas.
  • Using XML parsers.
  • Introduction to XML Namespaces,
  • Formatting XML documents by using eXtensible Style Sheet Language Transformations.
  • Using XPath patterns
  • XSLY
  • XLink XPointer
  • XPath queries
  • Integrating with SQL Server.
  • Rendering XML Documents


This course will teach you object oriented Programming C#, Web applications using ASP.NET 2.0 with database application using ADO.net and XML


  • Explain features and phases of the object-oriented approach
  • Write and execute C# programs
  • Use decision-making constructs and loop constructs
  • Implement structures, enumerations, arrays, and collections
  • Implement polymorphism and overload functions and operators
  • Explain and use delegates and events
  • Use various stream classes to implement file handling Develop single and multithreaded applications
  • Identify the components of the Visual Studio .NET Framework and Integrated Development Environment (IDE


  • Work with the Windows Forms and controls
  • Perform validation of controls using classes and controls
  • Work with Dialog Boxes, Menus and MDI Application
  • Implement Printing and Reporting Functionality in a Windows Forms Application
  • Implement Asynchronous programming
  • Package, deploy, and secure applications


  • Identify the need for XML as a standard data interchange format
  • Create an XML schema
  • Create a cascading style sheet and an Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to format data
  • Use XPath pattern matching in a style sheet
  • Create and manage connections using ADO.NET
  • Identify the disconnected and connected environment in ADO.NET
  • Create datasets and data tables
  • Retrieve and store large binary data
  • Perform bulk copy operations
  • Execute SQL notification maintain and update a cache
  • Manage distributed transactions
  • Read, write, validate, and modify XML data using XML reader and writer classes
  • Read, write, and modify XML data using DOMAPI


  • Create a Web Application
  • Program a Web Application
  • Add and Configure Server Controls
  • Create a Common Layout by Using Master Pages
  • Manage State for a Web Application
  • Access and Display Data
  • Control Access to a Web Application
  • Deploy a Web Application
  • Make Web Applications Available to Mobile Devices
  • Build Dynamic Web Applications
  • Optimize Web Application Performance
  • Create Controls for Web Applications
  • Implement Personalization and Themes in Web Applications
  • Build Web Part Pages and Web Parts
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