I Technologist India Pvt Ltd

Programming C / C++


This is the basic language of the computer world. It introduces the participants to the modular / structured programming approach.

  • Structure of C functions
  • Logical Operators
  • Programming Constructs
  • Arrays
  • Pointers and pointer arithmetic
  • Functions for data storage/String handling/data formatting /numeric conversion
  • File handling
  • Structures and User
  • Defined Data Types
  • Link List
  • Data Types
  • Standard IQ functions


This is the mother language of all programming language. C++ is an object-oriented programming language that intends to be a simple, modern, and general-purpose programming language for application development. Applications written in c++ also have the potential to be very resource efficient.

  • Appreciate the object-oriented approach
  • Create objects
  • Define and implement Encapsulation and Abstraction
  • Use operators and decision-making constructs
  • Arrays
  • Implement functions
  • Use Constructors and Destructors
  • Implement Polymorphism, Inheritance, Dynamic Polymorphism, and Multiple Inheritance
  • Using file input and output
  • Using exception handling and templates
  • Implement linked lists


A data structure is a group of data elements grouped together under one name. These data elements, known as members, can have different types and different lengths. It focus on basic algorithms and problem solving techniques, understanding stacks and binary searches.

  • Algorithms and Data Structures in Problem Solving
  • Designing Algorithms and Measuring Their Efficiency Implementing different Sorting Techniques
  • Sorting Data by Using Bubble Sort
  • Sorting Data by Using Selection Sort
  • Sorting Data Using Insertion Sort
  • Sorting Data by Using Shell Sort
  • Sorting Data by Using Quick Sort
  • Sorting Data by Using Merge Sort
  • Performing Linear Search
  • Performing Binary Search Implementing Hashing
  • Implementing Singly-Linked Lists
  • Implementing a Doubly-Linked List
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